Monday, February 20, 2012

Circus Clown Car Peppers

Ladies and gentlemen, step right up!! Here before your very eyes is a recipe guaranteed to blow your face off! Or make your nose run, at minimum. Direct from whichever foreign country appeals to you the most, I give you the Beautiful.... the Alluring... the Delicious Ancient Sweet Red Pepper....
And it's sideways...*sigh*..pretend it's not, k?
Not only does this pepper make fire engines jealous, but it can also juggle six elephants while riding a motorcycle blindfolded, has the ability to swallow flaming swords while jumping upside down on this massive trampoline, AND is able to knit the cure for cancer out of mere pocket lint and some dental floss while pedaling a ferocious lion with one foot!
Ladies, I ask you not to scream and gentlemen, hold on to your hats! I give you....CIRCUS CLOWN CAR PEPPERS!!
*cue circus music*

3 Ancient Sweet Peppers (taste very similar to regular red bell peppers)
1/4 cup dry Quinoa
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup dates, chopped
3 green onion stalks, chopped
1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes with chilies (this is what added the nose-watering kick, NOT the peppers)
1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 tsp curry
3 Tbs almond slices

Preheat oven to 375*.
Wash off your peppers and slit them open on one side, leaving stems intact. There aren't many seeds in these so it won't take long to scoop them out. Put your peppers into a baking dish and set aside.
In a ridiculously large bowl, add your Quinoa and water and toss it in the microwave for 6 minutes. If you chose to use a medium bowl instead of the ridiculously large one like I suggested, get to clean out the microwave.
While that's making a mess in the microwave, stand there and wait cuz there's no sense in getting two bowls dirty.
After your Quinoa has finished decorating the inside of the microwave, go ahead and add the remaining ingredients (except the almonds) to your little bowl...ya, you'll use a bigger one next time, huh? Mix it well and scoop it into your peppers. This divided almost perfectly to fill three peppers. I think I had a bean and a half left over in the bowl. Sprinkle a Tbs of almond slices on top of each pepper and bake for 15-20 mins or until heated through and peppers are tender.
These vegan delights are just 270 calories per pepper and super yummy!! How did I get so much flavor in 270 calories?!? Well, my friends, THAT is why these peppers are Circus Clown Car Peppers..cuz I have no idea how I got it all in there!! Actually, the dash of curry and the dates really made this dish. Leave either of those out and I'll sick my ferocious lion on you.

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